Monday, May 9, 2011

Katy Perry

Monday night, Kate surprised me with a free ticket to Katy Perry in Auckland. Bam, be jealous.

Story behind this:

Back in Christchurch, Kate and our friend Nelsy were bragging to me about having tickets to the sold out show. I told them i'll only be their friend if they get me a ticket. Last week, Nelsy contacted Kate and said something came up and she couldn't make it. So Kate said Nelsy wasn't going to sell it, and gave the ticket to me =]. What wonderful friends.

I found decent airfare out of Christchurch. MY flat was driving up to Christchurch Sat morning anyway to go visit Kaikorua, so I rode with them up, had dinner with Jasiah and Ben (my old flatmates) and Jasiah gave me a ride to the airport.

The girls I went to the concert with:



In Auckland, I met Kate and Katie downtown, and went to the Nomads Backpacker for the night. Next day, we hung out in town for the day. It was a great day, so we got Sushi and ate at the Harbour. It was my first time trying Sushi. I don't like any seafood, so I had never tried. I never knew they made chicken and beef Sushi. Yumsauce:

We killed some more time, then had dinner at the bar in Nomads. They gave us coupons for a free drink and $7 pizza, we took advantage. It was a very cool old building. Kate was in love with it:

After that, we went to the Vector Arena to see Katy Perry. It was packed.

Fantastic show regardless of your thoughts on KP. Some cute and clever kiwi remarks, lots of energy, great singing, and a surprise acoustic cover set where she sang Rhianna, Jay Z, Rebecca Black, Ill e Gal. Her versatility is mind bottling:

Great concert, great friends, great weather, great food, and overall just a fun weekend!

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